Johnna Knows Good Food

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Food.Fun.Stuff: Ramen Noodles, Who would've thought??

Ramen Noodles=Fine Dining Experience

Remember being in college and having only a pack of Ramen Noodles to eat?? And remember thinking how this seemed like the bottom of the slum as far as good cuisine goes?? Well all that has changed in recent times now with many restaurants adding Ramen Noodles to the dining options. Who would have thought that the college students go-to-meal would become a staple at some of today's finest restaurants??

Let's just look at Oya, for example, which is one of the best Asian fusion restaurants in the D.C. area. Oya's dinner menu offers the "big plate" of Ramen Noodles as a dinner option...Now don't get me wrong, these are no regular Ramen Noodles with the tiny hard shrimp that you had in college...these are Ramen Noodles graced with the company of fresh spring onions, tofu, enoki mushrooms and dashi broth to please your taste buds. JKGF found not only this surprising but the price of this entree is a whopping $19!! What?!? This should officially be outlawed (*Just a joke!! ha, ha).

But seriously, it amazes the foodie who used to eat Ramen Noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner when there were no other food options and this was the only food option for under $2, to find that it is now not only a fine cuisine diners option but it costs more than about 60 packs of Ramen Noodles from Costco. Now JKGF really has to ask, what is the foodie world coming to??

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