Johnna Knows Good Food

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Food.Fun.Stuff: *New Product Alert* Spencer's Jerky

As a child, beef jerky was one of our favorite snacks from the 7-11. As we got older, jerky was constantly overlooked as a snack option as we combed the aisles for something quick but tasty. Then at the tender age of (*well we’ll leave that part out…) we were reintroduced to our childhood once again with Spencer’s Jerky. We received a package of the pineapple jerky about a year ago and were quite impressed or quite frankly amazed at how well was able to merge pineapple and jerky in the same package.

Now a year later, we maintain the same opinions we had in our first impression. This time we tried the Sweet and Spicy Mango and Orange Beef Jerky which matched up to their names. Unlike the pineapple jerky, this jerky tastes like the original jerky recipe but with a twist of mango and orange infused flavor. The fruity flavors are not really the draw to these jerky’s, however, it's the spice. Do you love spicy?? This is the snack for those that like the hot stuff. This taste was polar opposite from the pineapple flavor (*which should very little hint to the jerky we're used to)…and we liked it. It was refreshing to have snack that merged together the best of three worlds: beef, fruit and sizzle. We suggest this one for the spicy palate but if want something more mild, the pineapple is worth a bite.

*Official product release date is this Tuesday, March 16, 2010. Let us know your thoughts!
**And FYI, they have turkey jerky for those that don't like the beefy stuff.

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