Johnna Knows Good Food

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Food.Fun.Stuff: Two Sides to Every Story, Here's Founding Farmers Side

There are always two sides to every story...wait, that's three sides: Your side, the other side and the truth. On Tuesday, we posted about the sustainability controversy involving local restaurant, Founding Farmers. We failed to pick up both sides and are glad we were able to touch base with Founding Farmers to get their side of the story. We want our readers to know the whole story before making an assumption that Founding Farmers isn't holding true to its word.

For those who missed it, basically the Washington Post was claiming that Founding Farmers "farm to table" meals were not using all sustainable ingredients that it boasts to patrons. Founding Farmers responded back on its website stating it definitely strives for sustainability in all of its food but for practical purposes it sometimes has to change suppliers, farmers, etc. which cannot often be reflected on the menu. The restaurant assures customers, however, that these changes are not whimsical and if a "farmer/supplier isn’t doing what they promise, we’ll make a change". We knew there had to be another side to this story (*See Founding Farmers statement here). Founding Farmers is the first LEED restaurant and is a certified Green Restaurant by the Green Restaurant Association. They don't give those accolades out to just anybody, so Founding Farmers has to be doing something right.

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Anonymous Jennifer Motruk Loy said...

Hi Johnna!

Thanks so much - we really appreciate it and I'm glad your readers have you to give insight and information like this.

Have a great holiday season and we hope to see you at Founding Farmers soon!

Jennifer Motruk Loy
Director of Marketing /PR
Founding Farmers and Farmers & Fishers

December 11, 2009 at 11:01 AM  

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